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Throwaway Dads: The Myths and Barriers That Keep Men from Being the Fathers They Want to Be
Throwaway Dads is a groundbreaking book by Armin Brott, an authority on the art of being a father, and noted researcher Ross Parke. “Men want to be better dads,” says Brott, “but as a society, we have wittingly and unwittingly built nearly insurmountable barriers–a kind of ‘glass ceiling’ that restrict men’s involvement with their children and families.”
The 10-Second Internet Manager
Remember the old joke “Instant gratification isn’t fast enough”? That was something like the reaction Mark Breier had when he picked up a copy of The One Minute Manager, a book he’d once found profound. Now Breier, formerly CEO of and marketing vice president at, found that he was annoyed by the book’s leisurely pace. So he sat down to write the Y2K version of one-minute managing, which essentially shows modern executives how to do the job in one-sixth the time.