My name is Armin Brott
You’ve reached the virtual home of Armin Brott–author, voiceover talent, columnist, blogger, radio and television personality, corporate spokesperson, and more. I’m probably best known for my classic books on fatherhood, but I’ve also written or co-written more than a dozen other books on a variety of subjects, from advertising and running an Internet company to brain chemistry and men’s health.
I’m always on the lookout for new and interesting projects.
Do you have a great idea but can’t find the right words? Or if you have the words but can’t find the right voice, I can help.
Who I am
Hailed by Time Magazine as “the superdad’s superdad,” Armin Brott is a pioneer in the field of fatherhood and has been building better fathers for more than a decade. A former Marine, Armin has devoted the last 15 years to providing men with the tools, support, and knowledge to help them become the fathers they want to be—and their families need them to be. His eight critically acclaimed books for fathers have sold well over a million copies. He has written on fatherhood for hundreds of newspapers and magazines and is a frequent guest on major television programs. He also writes a nationally syndicated newspaper column (Ask Mr. Dad), and hosts a syndicated radio show (Positive Parenting).
As a trusted spokesperson, Armin speaks on fatherhood around the country and teaches classes for expectant and new dads. Armin is a father of three and lives in Oakland, CA.
Follow me on social media
In addition to his work on fatherhood, Armin’s curiosity, passion for knowledge, ability to get up to speed quickly, and knack for translating complicated concepts into easy-to-understand language have let him to collaborate with experts in a variety of fields. The result has been more than 20 books on topics as diverse as customer service and brain chemistry.
Best-Selling Author
Top Blogger
MrDad.com is one of the most popular parenting resources available online and was named as one of the top dad blogs by Mashable.com.
Radio & TV Personality
Corporate Spokesperson
Armin has earned an enviable credibility as an authority on fatherhood and families. A veteran of hundreds of radio, television, and print interviews, he is a master at getting the message out. His gentle sense of humor and his relaxed on-camera style make him the personality you want to represent your company.

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